"I cannot stress enough the importance of
MyLifeCard. It is easily accessible and portable and is especially important if the emergency takes place out of town or out of the country."

Epilepsy Foundation of LA/Orange Counties

"The MyLifeCard enables hospitals to give the most effective and efficient health care possible by providing the hospitals with valuable information about you within life-saving minutes."
Neil Pollack, M.D.
Lake Forest Hospital

"A copy of the MyLifeCard report is all that's necessary to enter the patient into the hospital population.  When a victim is incapacitated or in a coma, personal and medical information is essential to save the patient's life."
William Hurst, M.D.
Long Beach Community Hospital

"...MyLifeCard is the best solution for making sure that a living will is available at the time and place it is needed. A must for medical emergency."
Robert J. Weiss, M.D., 
Dean and Delamar Professor Emeritus
Columbia University

"A Living Will can unite a family whose members might otherwise have different interpretations about how an ill member of the family really feels about death--and it can help a doctor make a decision."
Monroe T. Gilmour, M.D.
Board Member
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

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